For fun, fitness
and friendship

The RSCDS Forres branch holds classes
in Forres Town Hall and Nairn Community Centre

Ceilidh Classes have been running monthly in
St Leonard's Church Hall
2025 Dates TBC
A 2-hour class teaching several popular ceilidh dances to adults and children in a friendly and fun environment. All welcome.
£5 for adults and children aged 12+ £3 for children aged 5-12
Find us on Facebook for the latest dates and information or Email us to be added to the mailing list.
Scottish Country Dancing: Monday evenings at Forres Town Hall
(September-Dec 8pm-10pm, Jan-March 7.30pm-9.30pm)
Dancing on the well sprung floor of the Lesser Town Hall, the Forres class enjoys a varied selection of dances. The class teachers have many years of experience and have devised dances published by the RSCDS. The class welcomes experienced adult dancers.
New dancers may join the Main Class after attending the Beginners' course, once they know the basic formations and can successfully join a set.
Beginners Course (From September 2025, date TBC)
The Beginners’ Class starts at 7.00pm and lasts 45 minutes.
The Beginners Course teaches all the basic steps and formations by a qualified RSCDS teacher. It is important to join at the beginning of the Course so that dancers can progress to the level expected in the Main Class.
A taster session will be held in September (£5).
Following on from that, the course will run a set block of classes.
After successfully completing the beginners course, students are encouraged join the Main Class after Christmas, which starts at 7.30pm.
Thursdays 7.30pm Nairn Community Centre
From September 2025, date TBC
A friendly adult group that enjoy the social side of Scottish country dancing and the challenge of learning new dances in the capable hands of teacher Kate McArdle.
Newcomers are always welcome, whether beginners, lapsed members or experienced dancers.