Other Local Dances & Classes
Regular Classes in the local area
RSCDS Inverness & District Branch
RSCDS Inverness branch holds a number of classes, and regular dances. Their website has details of all classes and dances held locally. http://invernessrscds.co.uk
Nairn Country Dancers
Tuesdays 7pm – 9pm at the Highland Hall, Royal British Legion, Nairn. Taught by RSCDS teacher Christine Grant.
Nairn Scottish & Social Dancing Group
Mondays 2-4pm in the Highland Hall, Royal British Legion, Nairn. All year round, a mix of Scottish and old time dances .
Contact Kate McCardle on Facebook (Scottish Dance Nairn) or 07918 147115 for further details.
Miltonduff Scottish Country Dancing
Tuesdays 7.30-9.30pm, Sept-April. Miltonduff Village Hall.
With RSCDS teachers Bill and Rosemary. Newcomers welcome.
Click links here for Facebook, website or email.
Rafford Country dancers
Thursdays 7.30pm-9.30pm, taught by RSCDS teacher Christine Grant in Rafford Village Hall from October until the end of March. Contact Neil – 01309 674421.
Dufftown Scottish Country Dance Club

Rafford Village Hall Jubilee Celebrations 2022